Unfiltered Lager. Light bodied with well balanced flavours of grassy hops and bready malt / 4.9% / 500ml
17 Squares
Pilsner hopped with Tango T90. Clean, crisp, efficient. Fruity bitterness runs perpendicular to a light bready body. This is the optimal way to package 17 equally sized squares into a la(r)ger square / 4.8% / 440ml
Land Bier
Our house helles-style lager is brewed with Weyermann Malt & some tasty German hops, and left unfiltered for maximum flavour. Inspired by the small countryside breweries of Bavaria, Land Bier is fermented cold and slow / 4.8% / 440ml
This unfiltered, naturally carbonated lager is brewed with German Pilsner malt along with Saaz and Hallertau Mittlefrüh hops before being cold conditioned for 30 days. Crisp, clean and frizzing with classic noble hop character / 5% / 440ml